Monday, 16 June 2014
The Return of One of Many, Many Blogs
Time for a new name, better use of the English language and generally a better approach to reaching my somewhat small, if not non-existent audience.
Stay posted.
Naughty Bear.
This game is very entertaining and very funny for about 30 minutes and then it's all down hill from there. As you roam around Bearland slaughtering any civilian bears or police officers it becomes very clear that you will never ever leave Bearland. This is particularly unfortunate as Bearland is about the size of an average city house back garden.
Yes killing bears can be fun but with no blood spill and only fluffy dust coming out of a stab wound it is distinctly disappointing. "WAIT!" I hear you say. "Of course Teddy Bears don't have blood."
But then again they don't walk, talk or go around shooting other bears in the face.

The worst thing about this game, like a lot of below average games, is that it is painfully repetitive. I can't say a lot for the latter parts of the game because I couldn't get that far without dying of boredom and I don't think anyone ever will.
Sean's Game Rating 4/10
Monday, 31 May 2010
Grand Theft Auto 'The Ballad of Gay Tony'

Tuesday, 27 April 2010
With “Avatar” James Cameron has turned one man’s dream of the movies into a trippy joy ride about the end of life — our moviegoing life included — as we know it. Several decades in the dreaming and more than four years in the actual making, the movie is a song to the natural world that was largely produced with software, an Emersonian exploration of the invisible world of the spirit filled with Cameronian rock ’em, sock ’em pulpy action. Created to conquer hearts, minds, history books and box-office records, the movie — one of the most expensive in history, the jungle drums thump — is glorious and goofy and blissfully deranged.
The story behind the story, including a production budget estimated to top $230 million, and Mr. Cameron’s future-shock ambitions for the medium have already begun to settle into myth (a process partly driven by the publicity, certainly). Every filmmaker is something of a visionary, just by virtue of the medium. But Mr. Cameron, who directed the megamelodrama“Titanic” and, more notably, several of the most influential science-fiction films of the past few decades (“The Terminator,” “Aliens” and “The Abyss”), is a filmmaker whose ambitions transcend a single movie or mere stories to embrace cinema as an art, as a social experience and a shamanistic ritual, one still capable of producing the big WOW.
Few films return us to the lost world of our first cinematic experiences, to that magical moment when movies really were bigger than life (instead of iPhone size), if only because we were children. Movies rarely carry us away, few even try. They entertain and instruct and sometimes enlighten. Some attempt to overwhelm us, but their efforts are usually a matter of volume. What’s often missing is awe, something Mr. Cameron has, after an absence from Hollywood, returned to the screen with a vengeance. He hasn’t changed cinema, but with blue people and pink blooms he has confirmed its wonder.
That's just a very good review to keep you going until I'm back on form. Stay tuned.
Sean's Movie Rating 10/10
Saturday, 17 April 2010
My Top 20 Movies Continued Again Again

Friday, 16 April 2010
My Top 20 Movies Continued Again

Thursday, 15 April 2010
My Top 20 Movies Continued